Intelligence, anti-diplomacy and liquid security: control systems for a turbulent world
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Maria Fernanda Noboa González
Candidata Doctoral en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO- ECUADOR. Decana del Centro de Prospectiva Estratégica del Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales
Hernan Antonio Moreano Uriguen
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Coordinador de la Escuela de Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales. Profesor titular a tiempo completo
In turbulent global dynamics, surveillance systems have state-of-the-art technologies capable of easily breaching the protocols for information protection produced by each State in international relations, disrupting confidence levels achieved under different regimes in the definition of common threats and risks to security. Due to the asymmetries of international power in different spheres, the practices of intelligence surveillance and instrumentation have been approached from the hegemonic paradigms of International Relations and Intelligence, marginalizing the concurrence of other actors and reflections on their ethical positions. Therefore, from this article we reveal, through critical (poststructuralist) analysis, the explanatory limitations of realistic epistemic concepts: intelligence, anti-diplomacy and surveillance that simplify the understanding of complex current security scenarios. Finally, we validate the relevance of new analytics for the critical interpretation of these scenarios and their challenges.
Counter-diplomacy, Liquid surveillance, International relations, Power
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How to Cite
Noboa González, Maria Fernanda; and Moreano Uriguen, Hernan Antonio. “Intelligence, anti-diplomacy and liquid security: control systems for a turbulent world”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 19, no. 1, p. e-2200,
Author Biographies
Maria Fernanda Noboa González, Candidata Doctoral en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO- ECUADOR. Decana del Centro de Prospectiva Estratégica del Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales
Estudiante Doctoral en Estudios Internacionales, Flacso Ecuador. Línea de Investigación en Estudios Estratégicos. Comunicadora Social y Mágister en Gobernabilidad y Desarrollo. Editora y Correctora de Estilo. Edición académica y técnica.
Experta investigadora en temas de inteligencia, seguridad y defensa. Igualmente investiga en semiótica, sistemas complejos y metodologías intedisciplinarias
Hernan Antonio Moreano Uriguen, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Coordinador de la Escuela de Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales. Profesor titular a tiempo completo
Mágister en RI. Experto en materia de seguridad y estudios de inteligencia.Most read articles by the same author(s)
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