Between political subjects and games in the context of the LGBT movement of Pernambuco

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Benedito Medrado
Aida Carneiro
This paper presents research results with the objective of analyse uses and effects of sexual identities in the context of the Fórum de Lésbicas Gays, Travestis e Transexuais de Pernambuco (LBGT/PE), northeast of Brazil. To this end, it is defined as specific objectives: 1) to identify the designations used by the subjects that compose this collective; 2) to identify meanings produced on the sexual identities in their encounters; and 3) to analyse tension fields and strategic uses of identity categories. The methodology involved everyday observations in the meetings of the Forum LGTB\PE, during 12 sessions. In the analysis processes were included other elements, such as: posters, meeting records, e-mails, space arrangement, T-shirts.
The analysis presented show the materialization of a field-theme as heterogeneous network, interconnected by different moments, places and subjects, and the Forum
LGBT/PE as a point of connections, which is not limited to it.
Gender, Sexuality, Social movements, LGBT Movement

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How to Cite
Medrado, Benedito; and Carneiro, Aida. “Between political subjects and games in the context of the LGBT movement of Pernambuco”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 17, no. 1, pp. 3-22,