My journey on breastfeeding: Autoethnographic challenge to low national prevalence

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Diana Verónica Jiménez Cervantes
Bernardo Turnbull Plaza
In this article I offer a psychosocial reflection around breastfeeding and its scarce prevalence in Mexico. In my multiple role as mother-to-be, psychologist and researcher, I took part in a group, offered as a service by the socialized health organizations to Mexican mothers. In this autoethnography I analized my own pregnancy and maternity condition and compared it with the experiences of other mothers in varied wide variety of circumstances. I found that breastfeeding cannot be understood only as a mother-baby diad in a family environment but as a complex network of relationships and forces that range from national policy to the tastes and personal intentions of the mothers. Placing brestfeeding withing this perspective we can go forth on the road to explain and increase the extremely low present prevalences.
Breasfeeding, Autoethnography, Motherhood, Public Health

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How to Cite
Jiménez Cervantes, Diana Verónica; and Turnbull Plaza, Bernardo. “My journey on breastfeeding: Autoethnographic challenge to low national prevalence”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 16, no. 3, pp. 259-81,
Author Biographies

Diana Verónica Jiménez Cervantes, Universidad Iberoamericana.Ciudad de México

Dra. Diana V. Jiménez Cervantes. Investigadora postdoctoral para CONACYT- México (Convenio 290754-UIA), en la Universidad Iberoamericana en los periodos 2013-2014 y 2014-2015. Inserta en la línea "Grupos vulnerables, calidad de vida y familia". De 2007 a 2012 realizó estudios de Doctorado en Psicología Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Miembro del grupo de investigación VIPAT- UAB (Violencia en la Pareja y el Trabajo), en donde coordina la línea Familias y Salud, con investigadoras de España, Brasil y Chile.

Bernardo Turnbull Plaza, Universidad Iberoamericana.Ciudad de México

Dr. Bernardo Turnbull Plaza. Investigador y docente de psicología comunitaria.  Académico de tiempo completo en la Universidad Iberoamericana. Dr. en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Sussex en el Reino Unido.