Ciberfeminist activist research with and among technoartists and hackers
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Núria Vergés Bosch
Colectivo Donestech
Alex Hache
Universitat de Barcelona
Eva Cruells Lopez
Colectivo Donestech
To investigate the relationship of gender and new technologies of information and communication becomes crucial with the development of our current society. We conducted a series of research projects aimed at the formulation, analysis and implementation of actions from with and for women and ICT. Considering the characteristics of the subjects, topics and methodologies that we apply we develop ciberfeminist research processes. In this article, we propose to continue exploring and showing our ciberfeminist research processes. We depart from our first research project to move on to our current ones. In order to better delve into some methodological aspects that become clearer in a comparative and specific manner, we will focus, first, on LeLArt project, about the experiences and ICT trajectories of women technoartists, and then on LelaCoders project, about the experiences
and ICT trajectories of women developers of free software and / or hackers.
and ICT trajectories of women developers of free software and / or hackers.
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How to Cite
Vergés Bosch, Núria et al. “Ciberfeminist activist research with and among technoartists and hackers”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 14, no. 4, pp. 153-80,
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