Thinking the "plan ceibal" from the perspective of public action and the actor-network theory

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Mónica Elena Da Silva Ramos
Laura López Gallego
In this paper, we will analyze and discuss the Plan Ceibal, from the point of view of the Public Action and the Actor Network Theory. We think that Plan Ceibal, which is implemented in Uruguay since 2007, illustrates the concept of public action, because it involves a multiplicity of governmental and non-governmental organizations, besides human and nonhuman components. According to this, the Actor-network theory (ANT) provides elements to reflect on technological appropriation. We believe that a key task in the assembly of the various human and nonhuman components that compose Plan Ceibal, promoting the strength of their associations, where diverse enrollments and multiple translations make the core of the problem. We wonder about what are the theoretical and methodological challenges facing expert intervention, especially psychologists in this field?

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How to Cite
Da Silva Ramos, Mónica Elena; and López Gallego, Laura. “Thinking the ‘plan ceibal’ from the perspective of public action and the actor-network theory”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 14, no. 1, pp. 49-68,