El análisis reticular de las metáforas sobre tecnociencia en inmigrantes : una propuesta teóricometodológica

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Jesús René Luna Hernández
Immigration is currently one of the most frequently and divisively discussed social topics. However, what the immigrants themselves have to say about their own situation is ignored in most instances. One of the least studied topics in immigration is their relationship with new information and communication technologies (ICTs). Here I suggest the analysis of metaphors immigrants from subsaharian Africa use regarding technoscientific topics. This sample is chosen due to the fact that they come from places where contact with ICTs is minimal, and also because when the immigrants arrive to Spain they are given jobs that are isolated from the use of ICTs. I propose the adoption of a perspective in which both context and relations take relevance over individualistic aspects, such as attitudes or attributions. I consider that social network analysis, and more specific, discursive network analysis, is the most adequate investigative strategy.

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Com citar
Luna Hernández, Jesús René. “El análisis reticular de las metáforas sobre tecnociencia en inmigrantes : una propuesta teóricometodológica”. Athenea digital, no. 13, pp. 317-24, https://raco.cat/index.php/Athenea/article/view/87590.