La aparición de los discursos sobre el multiculturalismo en España : el debate del velo en la prensa escrita.
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Carlos Manuel Abella Vázquez
Proxectos. Consultoría e Formación
The veil debate is a paradigmatic example of the complicated political, social and media issue raised by multiculturalism. In this article I analyze the main arguments in favour and against the use of hijab in general, and specifically to its use in school. At the same time, I will examine the Spanish debate on the veil, which took place in 2002, when Fatima, a Moroccan girl, tried to attend school wearing the hijab. I will centre my analysis on editorials published by the three main Spanish newspapers.
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Com citar
Abella Vázquez, Carlos Manuel. “La aparición de los discursos sobre el multiculturalismo en España : el debate del velo en la prensa escrita”. Athenea digital, no. 11, pp. 83-103,