Ponderações sobre a longevidade de um clube de mães da periferia de São Paulo, Brasil
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Jose Oliveira Hercilio
Mary Jane Spink
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
In this article we discuss some dimensions of group participation that enabled its permanency in time. For this purpose, we analysed the trajectory of a group of mothers to understand (1) the reasons for the longevity of this group, active since the 1970’s; (2) the importance of the mobilization of women for the improvement of quality of life. The research was conducted within the framework of critical social psychology concerned with discursive practices. The procedures involved a review of the bibliography concerning the role of the Base Ecclesial Communities in the organization of social movements, including groups of mothers, in the 1970’s. This was followed by a case study of a group of mothers using observations of meetings and interviews with some of its members. It was possible to demonstrate how the group experience enabled it to carry on as a space for support and learning of skills committed with social transformation.
Paraules clau
Social movements, Community participation, Base ecclesial communities, Groups of mothers
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Com citar
Hercilio, Jose Oliveira; and Spink, Mary Jane. “Ponderações sobre a longevidade de um clube de mães da periferia de São Paulo, Brasil”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 18, no. 3, p. 2139, https://raco.cat/index.php/Athenea/article/view/343299.
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