Crisis ecológica y gestión de la naturaleza: la tensión virtualización-actualización en el desastre de Doñana
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Israel Rodríguez Giralt
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Aleix Causa
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
There is currently a high level of awareness regarding the impact of technological innovation on the social organization of modern societies. One can then speak of modern societies as undergoing a process of ‘virtualisation’. As an example of this we present, in this paper, a research where we explore how the notion of virtualisation works as a powerful resource for the understanding of contemporary social dynamics. We analyse an ecological disaster and how ecologist groups and governmental agencies engage in a tension of virtualisationactualisation that gives as a result a different management of nature and of nature-society distinctions. So, as a product of virtualisation the instituted distinctions become more fluid or, as a product of actualization, the Natural Park where the disaster occurred, is firmly territorialized.
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Rodríguez Giralt, Israel; and Causa, Aleix. “Crisis ecológica y gestión de la naturaleza: la tensión virtualización-actualización en el desastre de Doñana”. Athenea digital, no. 1,
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