Análise do funcionamento de comunidade terapêutica para usuários de drogas

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Mariane Capellato Melo
Clarissa Mendonça Corradi-Webster
Prolonged hospitalization of drug users in Therapeutic Communities (TC) has become a public policy in Brazil. The aim of this study was to understand and analyze the functioning of a TC, considering the activities carried out there, the relationships established and the intervention process. Five visits to a TC were carried out. These visits were registered in a field diary. The notes were analyzed seeking to understand discursive features of the functioning of the TC and the impact of its functioning on the subjectivity of the users. The activities were labor therapy and group activities, and the Christian religious believes were explored. Relations were hierarchical, using strategies of control, confrontation and construction of guilt. Activities positioned the users as impulsive, addicts and deviants. The influence of the limited access to consumer goods and citizenship rights in the life trajectories of the users were not taken into consideration. Their problems with drugs were treated only as something internal, creating only strategies towards reconstructing the user's identity.

Paraules clau
Comunidades Terapêuticas, Uso de Drogas, Internação

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Com citar
Capellato Melo, Mariane; and Mendonça Corradi-Webster, Clarissa. “Análise do funcionamento de comunidade terapêutica para usuários de drogas”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 16, no. 3, pp. 379-9,