Ludicidade, tecnologias e teoria ator-rede: agregando contribuições

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Maria de Fatima Aranha de Queiroz e Melo
Márcia Oliveira Moraes
This paper aims to gather contributions in literature that have been useful to us to build the relationship between Playfulness, Technologies and Actor-Network Theory, escaping as much as possible from application of technological resources to the field of education and / or oriented towards educational purposes. We contextualized the playful practices nowadays and discussed the ways of subjectivity and socialization mediated by new technologies bringing the contribution of classical and contemporary authors to debate. Working with the Actor-Network Theory as a methodological theoretical referential, we traced and aggregated publications that offered a basis to think the dialogue between the three themes. As part of this exercise, we incorporated the discussion of a mode of existence of playfullness as a possible key to understanding the modern.
Paraules clau
Ludicidade, Tecnologias, Teoria Ator-Rede

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Com citar
Aranha de Queiroz e Melo, Maria de Fatima; and Oliveira Moraes, Márcia. “Ludicidade, tecnologias e teoria ator-rede: agregando contribuições”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 16, no. 3, pp. 189-05,