Discursos e consumos das sexualidades – tramando novas possibilidades para atuação nas psicologias
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Danielle Jardim Barreto
Universidade Paranaense (Brasil)
Bethania Cabrera de Souza
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (Brasil)
Danilo Gomes da Silva
Universidade Paranaense (Brasil)
Izabella de Castro Guelfi
Universidade Paranaense (Brasil)
Susy de Oliveira Pereira
Universidade Paranaense (Brasil)
Currently we experience what many authors call transition’s period from disciplinary societies to control societies, in this complex scenario, the subjectivation’s processes are crossed by molar lines and molecular lines, micro and macro political and many other phenomenas composed by device of power and control situations that produces truths and normative discourses about sexualities and genders. In the face of the devaluation and impracticability of subjectivities considered to be dissidents, the naturalization of biopower and the identity crisis, the psychological sciences are challenged not to turn into another one of the normative and standardizing devices that produces reproducing bodies and to favor the maintenance of the production system of capitalistic subjectivities.
Paraules clau
Sexualidades, Subjetividades Capitalísticas, Estudos Queer
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Com citar
Jardim Barreto, Danielle et al. “Discursos e consumos das sexualidades – tramando novas possibilidades para atuação nas psicologias”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 16, no. 3, pp. 167-88, https://raco.cat/index.php/Athenea/article/view/314698.
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