The situation of rural women in Spain : the case of small- scale artisan food producers
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Veronica Escurriol Martinez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Rosa Binimelis
CREDA-UPC-IRTA. Center for agro-food economy and development
Marta G. Rivera-Ferre
Universitat de Vic
Rural women's discrimination and the lack of effective implementation of the legislation on gender equality is a phenomenon found around the world. Women have been traditionally the responsible of family care and feeding, thus they have developed productive tasks that allow combining productive and reproductive activities in the farm. Food processing is one of these activities and it allows women to have a paid work or to complement agrarian rents in a context where most of agricultural works are vetoed to them. Nevertheless, women are usually linked to small-scale agricultural projects which prioritize quality and local food production, and the expansion of industrial food systems has worsened the situation of artisan women. In the present research we aimed, through the use of qualitative methodologies, at conducting a diagnosis of the situation of women leading small-scale food transformation projects in Spain while eliciting their main difficulties, needs and claims.
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Com citar
Escurriol Martinez, Veronica et al. “The situation of rural women in Spain : the case of small- scale artisan food producers”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 14, no. 3, pp. 3-22,