Jóvenes y adolescentes ante las nuevas tecnologías : percepción de riesgos
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Eva Espinar Ruiz
Universidad de Alicante
Cristina López Fernández
Universidad de Alicante
In this article we move into the research area relating to possible problems, risks or threats associated with the utilization of new technologies by young people and teenagers. What risks or threats do new technologies pose to adolescents -or, rather, how are such risks and threats perceived by the young people themselves? We interviewed more than 100 students, between 12 and 18 years old, in different regions of Spain. What emerge from these interviews are insights into new technologies' effects in terms of sociability, the generation of feelings of dependence, and their relation to education and health.
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Com citar
Espinar Ruiz, Eva; and López Fernández, Cristina. “Jóvenes y adolescentes ante las nuevas tecnologías : percepción de riesgos”. Athenea digital, no. 16, pp. 1-20, https://raco.cat/index.php/Athenea/article/view/142293.