Negri as a Reader of Spinoza Productive Immanence and Constituent Power as Challenges to Contemporary Political Hegemony

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Muntadas Figueras, Borja

Antonio Negri, Italian philosopher and activist, is a central figure in contemporary political thought, known for his reinterpretation of Marx and Spinoza. In his work, Negri highlights how Spinoza breaks with the liberal political paradigm of the seventeenth century by proposing a radical democratic order. The concept of "productive immanence," which Negri takes from Spinoza, asserts that power should not be transferred to a sovereign figure but should arise directly from the multitude. Negri makes a crucial distinction between "constituent power" and "constituted power." While constituted power is formalized in state institutions and seeks to stabilize order, constituent power is a creative and expansive force that manifests through the cooperation of the multitude. This collective force cannot be contained by institutions and serves as the driving force of revolution, creating new forms of life and political organization. For Negri, desire is not a private passion but a collective energy that drives the multitude to resist constituted power and create new realities. This ability defines "absolute democracy," where power is exercised without institutional mediation. Negri proposes a "constitutive dystopia," where politics does not pursue a utopian end but is based on the continuous creation of new forms of life, overflowing the structures of modern power and generating a radical and immanent democracy.

Constituent power, Productive Immanence, Desutopia, Absolute Democracy, Hegemony

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How to Cite
Muntadas, Borja. “Negri as a Reader of Spinoza: Productive Immanence and Constituent Power as Challenges to Contemporary Political Hegemony”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, vol.VOL 1, no. 29, pp. 1-23, doi:10.1344/astrolabio.v1i29.47780.
Author Biography

Muntadas Figueras, Borja, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Profesor Colaborador en la UOC, España, en los Estudios de Artes y Humanidades y en los de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación. Miembro del grupo de investigación MUSSOL de la UOC en Filosofía para los Retos Contemporáneos. Ha sido profesor Invitado en el máster de Derecho en la UFU (Brasil). Miembro del Conselho editorial de LAECC y coordinador del editorial LIBRANT. Postdoctorado en Filosofía y Derecho (UFU), Doctor en Filosofía Contemporánea (UB), Licenciado en Filosofía (UB) y Graduado en Economía y Ciencias Empresariales (UPC​). Es coautor de La jaula del tiempo. (2020) y autor de Inmediatez. Capitalismo y vidas aceleradas (2016). Orcid: E-mail:


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