Subjectivity, power, and rebellion a brief conjecture on the existential nuclei of current insubordination
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In this article I present a reflection on the processes of subjection, power relations, and the emergence of diverse expressions and practices of resistance of a micropolitical and micropoetic character in the context of contemporary capitalist society and its extended vectors of functional and corporative semiotization. Following this logic, I elaborate a first analysis (not definitive) of the various elements of a series of open existential nuclei of the rebellious or unsubmissive subjectivity that leads to the production of gestures and actions of multiform insurrection that is revolutionary, decolonizing, and anti-fascist in nature, which break away from the orders of reality implanted by the grand apparatuses of subjectivation deployed by capitalism in today’s world, and that reject the upsurge of the system’s reaction to the proliferation of this kind of critical and antiauthoritarian assemblages.
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