Bernard Stiegler, the crisis of imagination and the original technicality how bifurcate the future

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Luís Felipe Oyarzún Montes

This article intends to show that the crisis of imagination that contemporary society suffers, which leads us more to project the end of the world than its transformation, is at center of the disruptive rhythms its digital technology advancements. And it does so by principally following certain of the approaches of Bernard Stiegler. This will allow us, on one hand, to trace some crucial necessary elements so as to think about the meaning of the discomfort that afflicts the Western Culture which is tied into the flow of the moment, and, on the other hand, it will allow us to outline other possible ways of relating to the original technicity of human existence, and in this way being able to bifurcate the apocalyptic future.

Technique, Finitude, Imagination, Memory, Digital, Critical thinking

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How to Cite
Oyarzún Montes, Luís Felipe. “Bernard Stiegler, the crisis of imagination and the original technicality: how bifurcate the future”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, no. 28, pp. 28-44,