The obesity epidemic as a biopolitic discourse. Corporeal control and bio-citizenship ethics

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The aim of this research is to explore the political framework in which fat bodies are inscribed. Through an archaeological analysis that addresses the relationship between knowledge and power, it is shown how under the biomedical categories of "overweight" and "obesity", the fat body
becomes the object of intense theorization, surveillance and control. To this end, it is explained how the epidemic discourse is sustained under biopolitical and disciplinary logics that seek to normalize the weight of populations, as well it is analyzed the social alarm about the economic, climatic and national defense consequences that it may entail. Finally, it is presented how a new moral imperative emerges for citizens, who are
asked to slim down in the name of their individual health but also in the name of the national order.

obesity, biopolitics, epidemic, body, discrimination

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How to Cite
ALBET CASTILLEJO, LAURA. “The obesity epidemic as a biopolitic discourse. Corporeal control and bio-citizenship ethics”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, pp. 145-58,