Pragmatism, Emancipation, and Feminism

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Martha Palacio Avendaño
This article deals with some parts of the debate between Rorty and Fraser on the moral identity of women. The main problem in this discussion remain in the historical evaluation of feminism as an emancipatory project. This article defends, as a part of the achievements of feminist politics, thinking the contingency of women’s identity, as Fraser says. Also, the paper emphasizes that Fraser suggestion requires a careful reading of history. Thus some drawbacks of the suggestive reading of feminism by Rorty would be avoided.
pragmatism, feminism, historicism, emancipation, contingency, R. Rorty, N. Fraser

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How to Cite
Palacio Avendaño, Martha. “Pragmatism, Emancipation, and Feminism”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, no. 21, pp. 77-99,