Marxismo y ontología débil: El comunismo libertario de Gianni Vattimo

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Valerio d’Angelo
The present article wants to investigate the relationship between postmodernism and Marxism in the work of Gianni Vattimo. More closely, I will try to understand the coherence between the “weak” ontology and the proposals for a libertarian communism in the thought of the “last” Vattimo. So, I divided the work in two parts: in the first I will explore the theoretical foundations of postmodernism according to the Italian philosopher, while in the second I will investigate the political consequences by underlying the most recent political deeds.
Vattimo, weak thought, postmodernism, libertarian communism

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How to Cite
d’Angelo, Valerio. “Marxismo y ontología débil: El comunismo libertario de Gianni Vattimo”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, no. 16, pp. 77-87,