Ernst Cassirer y Eduardo Nicol. Debates en torno al concepto de expresión

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Roberto González
This paper aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the phenomenon of expression in the work of Ernst Cassirer and Eduardo Nicol. Both authors share an interest in the problem of expression. From Cassirer’s point of view, however, the concept of expression has two outstanding characteristics; on the one hand, expression is restricted to the sphere of language and, on the other, it has what might be called different geological evolutionary strata. In Eduardo Nicol, expression cannot be reduced to language, nor does it display geological strata; it has, rather, a strictly ontological slant, that is to say, expression is how mankind attempts at all times to lessen its ontological insufficiency. Nicol outlines a new image of knowledge which is based on a metaphysics of expression.

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How to Cite
González, Roberto. “Ernst Cassirer y Eduardo Nicol. Debates en torno al concepto de expresión”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, no. 10, pp. 37-54,