The body as a political statement

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Irandina Afonso

How, in the face of normative structures, power relations, possession, and bio-political control, can the dispossessed subject benefit from recognition and make place to his inscription in a better future? What force and what forms of influence does this subject have at his disposal to contest the injustice, dispossession, and indifference that capitalism and liberalism tacitly distribute? With these questions in mind, this paper aims to reflect on the possibility of political agency for those whose ways of life are not assimilated or recog-nized by norms, and therefore are excluded of legal resources or protective mechanisms to demand an effective change of their precarious state. Grounded on Judith Butler’s analysis of the performative in the political, the performative body reveals, in this context, an agen-cy stronghold and locus of political argumentation that envisages more than an appeal to mere tolerance of the different in contemporary societies.

Paraules clau
body, dispossession, political performativity, relationality, precarity

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Com citar
Afonso, Irandina. “The body as a political statement”. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofia, pp. 53-64,