The construction of the female identity in the painting of Madeline von Foerster

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Bernia Mitjans Altarriba
This article deals with the peculiar work of a current woman, from a traditional painting technique, elegant, figurative, and fantastic, manages to transform the symbols of the collective imaginary, to tell visually, in a surreal and critical way, today’s society made their concerns and discomforts ever more distant from nature. Using a pictorial language that historically has built the feminine as an object desired, feared or adored, Madeline von Foerster reconstructs it from its subjectivity, making her heroine in defence of nature.
figurative painting, universal narratives, romanticism, surrealism, history painting, symbolic, feminism, female archetypes, perverse women, heroines

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How to Cite
Mitjans Altarriba, Bernia. “The construction of the female identity in the painting of Madeline von Foerster”. Asparkía: investigació feminista, no. 31, pp. 65-81,