The good marrying art: marriage and widowhood in the valencian 18th century
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Antonio López Amores
Thanks to the analysis of several marriage contracts, testaments, feuds, powers and different documentation, we have built a brief summary of the matrimony process of the nobility, with its causes and consequences for women, in the 18th century Kingdom of Valencia. As these arrangements between families were one of the key elements in the consolidation and rise strategies, they gather a special attention and a detailed work prior to the wedding. The documentation shows different processes that strengthened the fathers’ authority and the lineage rise priority. Moreover, given the Ancien Régime women's dependency on man, it can be seen, in the prenuptial agreements, a great effort to ensure the ulterior survival of the bride turn widow.
Kingdom of Valencia, marriage, rise, women, widowhood
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How to Cite
López Amores, Antonio. “The good marrying art: marriage and widowhood in the valencian 18th century”. Asparkía: investigació feminista, no. 30, pp. 51-67,
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