El empleo de hogar: desigualdad y poder entre mujeres
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Ana Martí Gual
María Manuela Poveda Rosa
The main topic of this article is the analysis of the particular work relationship that is established between women in the case of domestic paid work. This relationship between employees and employers is more than work, but less than employment.
Domestic paid work generates a situation of asymmetrical dependence between women that represents a perfect scenario to observe how inequalities derived from sexual division of work (inter gender inequalities) are crossed by those of class and ethnic group (intra gender inequalities) in a context of global capitalism.
Domestic paid work generates a situation of asymmetrical dependence between women that represents a perfect scenario to observe how inequalities derived from sexual division of work (inter gender inequalities) are crossed by those of class and ethnic group (intra gender inequalities) in a context of global capitalism.
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Com citar
Martí Gual, Ana; and Poveda Rosa, María Manuela. “El empleo de hogar: desigualdad y poder entre mujeres”. Asparkía: investigació feminista, no. 20, pp. 99-121, https://raco.cat/index.php/Asparkia/article/view/226317.