La mujer granadina como mecenas de espacios funerarios durante el Antiguo Régimen

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María José Collado Ruiz
In modern Granada, at a time in history when women were very restricted in legal and social terms, there were some exceptional cases in which they became the instigators of important spaces which were conceived as burial places for their families. Their names were not normally made public, as they were hidden behind the names of their husbands or the surname of their lineage. It would be difficult to identify some of these places endowed as funeral chapels inside Granada’s churches, and even more difficult to understand the scope of the of the important patronage undertaken by the women who were their benefactors.

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Com citar
Collado Ruiz, María José. “La mujer granadina como mecenas de espacios funerarios durante el Antiguo Régimen”. Asparkía: investigació feminista, no. 21, pp. 169-84,