Thomas Aquinas in Four Sermons (c. 1411-1413) of Vincent Ferrer
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Jaume Mensa i Valls
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Institut d’Estudis Catalans
The aim of this article is to analyze the way Vincent Ferrer presents Thomas Aquinas in four of his sermons preached (between approximately 1411 and 1413) on the occasion of the latter’s feast day. The information obtained from the above analysis is classifi ed into four sections: a) the birth and b) mission of, as well as c) the scientia articulated by Thomas Aquinas, not to mention d) the friars and the study of the liberal arts. According to Vincent Ferrer, Thomas Aquinas’s birth (like those of the most prominent protagonists in salvation history) had been foretold; his mission was to illuminate the world by means of authoritative and clear teachings. Contrary to Aquinas, though, Vincent Ferrer minimizes the use of philosophy in theological refl ection and states categorically that philosophy is based on false principles. The true “divine science” is that which his listeners are in a position to learn from his sermons. In reality, Vincent Ferrer was a Thomist; however, if one interprets his thinking in exclusively Thomistic terms, his most original and innovative contributions remain hidden from view.
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How to Cite
Mensa i Valls, Jaume. “Thomas Aquinas in Four Sermons (c. 1411-1413) of Vincent Ferrer”. Arxiu de textos catalans antics, no. 33, pp. 281-92,
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