Body and researcher’s gaze with 360o immersive video: an exploratory case study on the artivism in São Paulo

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Jordan Fraser Emery
Alba Marín

The use of visual methodologies raises the need for constant on-site reflection, the role of the researcher and his/her gaze. The objective of the research is to understand the artivist works of Brazilian artists Branca Gonzaga and Guma Joana from the dialogue on their political artivism. For this, a visual ethnographic study linked to the concept of patchwork ethnography is carried out.  The work Artivismo em São Paulo: Guma Joana e Branca Gonzaga (2023) is the visual result of Jordan Fraser Emery’s work derived from methodological application through which we thoughtfully address the use of immersive video in 360º as a research tool. The short documentary shows not only the dialogue with the artists in their own creation but also the author’s bodily participation as a subjectivity that is the object of being shared. The mediation of visual methods is thus exposed as a technological subjectivity that relates to the subjectivities of the research subjects. Finally, the audiovisual result perpetuates the forms of activism of the involved artists in different territories.


artivism, aesthetics, visual methods, 360º video, image, visuality

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How to Cite
Fraser Emery, Jordan; and Marín, Alba. “Body and researcher’s gaze with 360o immersive video: an exploratory case study on the artivism in São Paulo”. Artnodes, no. 33, pp. 1-11, doi:10.7238/artnodes.v0i33.417846.
Author Biographies

Jordan Fraser Emery, Savoie Mont Blanc University / Universidade de São Paulo. Professor of the Department of Hypermedia Communication at Savoie Mont Blanc University (USMB)

PhD in international co-tutorship in Information and Communication Sciences at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France) and in Social Psychology of Art at the University of São Paulo (Brazil). He is part of the research groups EA3706 (Langage, littératures, Sociétés, Études transfrontalières et Internationales [LLSETI]) and LAPA (Laboratório de Estudos em Psychologia da Arte). Master degree in Digital Creation and Bachelor degree in Communication. From his research, he addresses visual anthropology and 360º technology to physically integrate the researcher from field work. In his results, 3D visual production is key as with his projects Radicant (2021) in virtual reality and Jacents “Gisant·e·s” 001 (2023) in photogrammetry.

Alba Marín, University of Seville / University of Extremadura. Postdoctoral Contracted Investigator in Studies and Visual Methods (AR-CO Group)

International Doctor of Communication by the University Grenoble Alpes and by the University of Seville, extraordinary award of doctorate and master in Communication and Culture from this same university. She has been a professor in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at Savoie Mont Blanc Université, the University of Seville, and the University of Extremadura. She has obtained a predoctoral project in the framework of the French-Spanish university collaboration. Her work explores the image in the areas of visual studies, social documentary and digital formats (post-documentary), visual culture and digital journalism. She also belongs to the HUM868 group (Visual Studies, Art and Cultural Heritage) and has recently published the collective book Visual Studies in Brazil.


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