Sport, Paideia, and Christianity. The sport as a vehicle of cultural transmission

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Xavier Arranz Albó
The genesis of sport lies in sporting events in Greece. The combination of education and intellectual corporeal education took place in what is known as the Greek paideia. The real education, one that sought excellence and virtue gave a crucial role in sports.
The attempt to hellenization the Jewish people found in a sport vehicle of cultural transmission suitable for transmitting the values of their culture. The opposition of the Maccabees and the subsequent emergence of Christianity within the framework of cultural and religious Judea was a 180 degree turn in the way of conceiving the corporeal practices. Christianity appropriated the Greek language sports to spread a new way of life.

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How to Cite
Arranz Albó, Xavier. “Sport, Paideia, and Christianity. The sport as a vehicle of cultural transmission”. Ars Brevis, no. 17, pp. 11-28,