Ethical Option for Plural Citizenship

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Marta Burguet Arfelis
Among the different crises caused by the meeting of people with different cultural referents, there is ethnicism, and then also alterophobia and racism (either physical or cultural), the resistance to cultural change, the precaution in front of the “other” considered as
“different,” the different economic and social situations that spring from migrations (social differences), the vision of immigrations as a problem rather than an opportunity, the settlement of ghettos, the reaffirmation of stereotypes, etc. Thus, some particular attitudes
emerge in daily life that shall shape the relationships among plural identities.
KEY-WORDS: Identity, difference, citizenship.

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How to Cite
Burguet Arfelis, Marta. “Ethical Option for Plural Citizenship”. Ars Brevis, no. 15, pp. 25-37,