L’existència i la paraula a Jan Patocka
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Albert Llorca Arimany
Institut Emmanuel Mounier de Catalunya
L’objectiu fonamental d’aquest estudi consisteix d’aprofundir en el sentit de la paraula com a eina que sorgeix de dins de l’existència humana i dels seus registres fenomenològics, segons la investigació que ens presenta el pensament de Jan Patocka. En el seu pensament, la reflexió filosòfica, que s’inicia en la fenomenologia d’Edmund Husserl, ens encamina cap a la seva peculiar investigació sobre la funció de la filosofia com a fenomenologia de l’existència, com a praxi sobre l’ètica i sobre la política, en la via de les possibilitats que la paraula ofereix per exposar i proposar el camí vers la Veritat. A la fi, filosofia, paraula i existència constitueixen la trilogia d’un pensament que és referent imprescindible en el món contemporani.
PARAULES CLAU: fenomenologia, existència, paraula, moviment, història i prehistòria.
Existence and Word in Jan Patocka
ABSTRACT: In the present study, the fundamental finality consists in the investigation about word’s sense as a tool which appeases in the human existence and their phenomenological registers, according to Jan Patocka’s investigation. In Jan Patocka’s thought, the philosophical reflexion, that begins in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, it directs us to his peculiar investigation about ethic and politic, and in the possibility that word facilitates to expose and to propose the way to the truth. In conclusion, philosophy, word and existence constitute the trilogy of a thought which is an essential referent in contemporary world.
KEY-WORDS: phenomenology, existence, word, dynamism, history, prehistory.
PARAULES CLAU: fenomenologia, existència, paraula, moviment, història i prehistòria.
Existence and Word in Jan Patocka
ABSTRACT: In the present study, the fundamental finality consists in the investigation about word’s sense as a tool which appeases in the human existence and their phenomenological registers, according to Jan Patocka’s investigation. In Jan Patocka’s thought, the philosophical reflexion, that begins in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, it directs us to his peculiar investigation about ethic and politic, and in the possibility that word facilitates to expose and to propose the way to the truth. In conclusion, philosophy, word and existence constitute the trilogy of a thought which is an essential referent in contemporary world.
KEY-WORDS: phenomenology, existence, word, dynamism, history, prehistory.
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Com citar
Llorca Arimany, Albert. “L’existència i la paraula a Jan Patocka”. Ars Brevis, no. 20, pp. 290-12, https://raco.cat/index.php/ArsBrevis/article/view/295366.
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