Un estudio comparativo sobre el concepto de “Felicidad” entre la Psicología Positiva del Dr. Martín Seligman y el Misticismo Judío
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Mario Javier Sabán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La psicología del misticismo judío representa una antigua sabiduría que fue estudiada y experimentada a través de la historia por los cabalistas. Los cabalistas fueron pensadores hebreos antiguos y medievales que elaboraron un mapa de la psique humana muchos siglos antes que la aparición de nuestra disciplina moderna. En este trabajo he planteado los objetivos y presupuestos básicos de la psicología positiva y una mirada crítica a esta nueva escuela de pensamiento. La psicología del misticismo judío le otorga al movimiento de la psicología humanista un marco epistemológico fundamental para estructurar un análisis científico de la psique humana. Las críticas a la psicología positiva desde esta perspectiva constituyen elementos claves para un estudio de mayor profundidad de la psique humana. La idea de este trabajo es elaborar un estudio comparativo que demuestre las semejanzas y las diferencias existentes dentro del concepto de “felicidad”.
PALABRAS CLAVE: felicidad, mística judía, psicología positiva, trascendencia.
A Comparative Study on the Concept of “Happiness”between Dr. Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology and Jewish Mysticism
ABSTRACT: The psychology of Jewish mysticism represents some old wisdom that was studied and experienced throughout history by the Kabbalists. The Kabbalists were ancient and medieval Hebrew scholars who developed a map of the human psyche many centuries before the emergence of our modern discipline. In this study, I presented the basic objectives and assumptions of positive psychology and a critical vision over this new school of thought. The psychology of Jewish mysticism provides the movement of humanistic psychology with a fundamental epistemological framework to structure a scientific analysis of the human psyche. Criticism of positive psychology from this perspective is a key element for a more thorough study on human psyche. The idea of this project is to develop a comparative study by showing similarities and differences within the concept of “happiness”.
KEYWORDS: Happiness, Jewish mysticism, positive psychology, transcendence.
PALABRAS CLAVE: felicidad, mística judía, psicología positiva, trascendencia.
A Comparative Study on the Concept of “Happiness”between Dr. Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology and Jewish Mysticism
ABSTRACT: The psychology of Jewish mysticism represents some old wisdom that was studied and experienced throughout history by the Kabbalists. The Kabbalists were ancient and medieval Hebrew scholars who developed a map of the human psyche many centuries before the emergence of our modern discipline. In this study, I presented the basic objectives and assumptions of positive psychology and a critical vision over this new school of thought. The psychology of Jewish mysticism provides the movement of humanistic psychology with a fundamental epistemological framework to structure a scientific analysis of the human psyche. Criticism of positive psychology from this perspective is a key element for a more thorough study on human psyche. The idea of this project is to develop a comparative study by showing similarities and differences within the concept of “happiness”.
KEYWORDS: Happiness, Jewish mysticism, positive psychology, transcendence.
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Com citar
Sabán, Mario Javier. “Un estudio comparativo sobre el concepto de ‘Felicidad’ entre la Psicología Positiva del Dr. Martín Seligman y el Misticismo Judío”. Ars Brevis, no. 20, pp. 168-8, https://raco.cat/index.php/ArsBrevis/article/view/295323.
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