Perceived Educational Quality of a Municipal School Sports Programme

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Félix Enrique Lobo-de-Diego
Juan Carlos Manrique-Arribas
Darío Pérez-Brunicardi

This study analysed the educational quality of an extracurricular municipal school sport programme based on the perception of the people involved in its development and its participating schoolchildren. For this purpose, qualitative research was carried out in which in-depth interviews were conducted after the question guides had been approved by experts in the field of school sport. Interviews were conducted with 83 informants, including schoolchildren and their family members, instructors and programme coordinators. The information obtained was used to carry out a content analysis based on three dimensions of analysis: 1) Participation, social relations and attitudes of the participants, 2) Sport learning and promotion of healthy habits and active lifestyles, and 3) Transfer to other contexts, by means of the software Atlas.ti. The results demonstrated that participation and equality of participants was promoted; education in values was developed; schoolchildren were integrated and social interactions were positive; habits of regular physical activity were promoted; learning was developed; and what was acquired in the programme was transferable to other contexts. It was concluded that the educational quality of the programme is underpinned by the satisfaction of its participants in line with the achievement of its aims and its coherence with school physical education.

educational sport, extra-curricular activities, integral development, quality

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How to Cite
Lobo-de-Diego, Félix Enrique et al. “Perceived Educational Quality of a Municipal School Sports Programme”. Apunts. Educación física y deportes, vol.VOL 4, no. 150, pp. 28-35, doi:10.5672/