Effects of a 6-week neuromuscular ankle training program on the Star Excursion Balance Test for basketball players

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Olga Borao
Antoni Planas
Vicente Beltran
Francisco Corbi
Background: The largest percentage of injuries in basketball affect the lower limbs, specially the ankle joint, and this is the major cause of missed days of training during a season. Moreover, ankle injuries can increase the risk factor of recurrent injuries.

Objectives: To determine whether a training program, based on specific ankle exercises for basketball, causes a change in the dynamic stability of a healthy group of basketball players, using the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Also, to determine the ideal number of repetitions to obtain a reliable measure of the test.

Materials and methods: Experimental study. Seventeen uninjured basketball players participated (8 experimental [EG], 9 control [CG]) (EG = 15.12 yrs ± 0.83 yrs; CG = 14.67 yrs ± 1.0 yrs).The EG performed the training program during the warm-up, and the CG completed the regular warm-up. The SEBT was performed before and after the 6-week training program. In statistical analysis MANOVA 2 * 2 was used per group and time.

Results: Only the measurements for the Posterior-Lateral direction were significant, namely in 2 groups (CG: Mdif = 15.5, P = .002 [95% CI: 6.83-24.17 cm]; EG: Mdif = 12.063, P = .014 [95% CI: 2.87-21.26 cm]). There were no differences in the SEBT between groups after the training protocol.

Conclusions: One attempt seems to be sufficient for the completion of the test. The completion of a specific training program for healthy basketball players does not demonstrate improvements in the balance.

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Com citar
Borao, Olga et al. “Effects of a 6-week neuromuscular ankle training program on the Star Excursion Balance Test for basketball players”. Apunts: Medicina de l’esport, vol.VOL 50, no. 187, pp. 95-102, https://raco.cat/index.php/Apunts/article/view/298533.