Surface electromyography applications
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Núria Massó i Ortigosa
Universitat Ramon Llull, Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna (Barcelona)
Ferran Rey
Daniel Romero Rodriguez
Gabriel Gual
Lluís Costa Tutusaus
Ana Germán
The electrophysiological techniques (neurography and needle electromyography) allow us an approach to the knowledge of the neuromuscular function. Electromyography obtains the electrical activity from the muscle in rest or in contraction (maximum and static voluntary contraction) In its clinical application, electromyography helps to the diagnosis and follow-up of a process of neuromuscular type.
On the other hand, kinesiological or surface electromyography (SEMG) allows the study of the muscular activity in dynamics, which we can apply to the biomechanical movement analysis, gait analysis, studies of muscular fatigue, sport performance| and applications in work medicine and ergonomics.
SEMG brings advantages like the fact that is a bloodless test, of being able to analyze varying muscles at the same time, in motion and in actions of non limited duration. The processed one brings us parameters of amplitude and frequencies, which we will use for descriptive and comparative studies. As a balancing entry, it does not allow us to study deep musculature, and some aspects of definition are lost in the obtained outlines.
On the other hand, kinesiological or surface electromyography (SEMG) allows the study of the muscular activity in dynamics, which we can apply to the biomechanical movement analysis, gait analysis, studies of muscular fatigue, sport performance| and applications in work medicine and ergonomics.
SEMG brings advantages like the fact that is a bloodless test, of being able to analyze varying muscles at the same time, in motion and in actions of non limited duration. The processed one brings us parameters of amplitude and frequencies, which we will use for descriptive and comparative studies. As a balancing entry, it does not allow us to study deep musculature, and some aspects of definition are lost in the obtained outlines.
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Com citar
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria et al. “Surface electromyography applications”. Apunts: Medicina de l’esport, vol.VOL 45, no. 166, pp. 121-3,
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