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Vol. 52 No. 1 (2022)
Psychology, critique, social change? Contributions to the politization of psychological experience and research
Andrés Di Masso Tarditti, Moisés Carmona
Accés (Castellano)
Sexual and reproductive rights in women with a diagnosis of severe mental disorder: arguments and consensus of community mental health professionals
Valeria Santoro Lamelas, Beatriz Layunta Maurel, María del Carmen Peñaranda-Cólera, Leonardo de la Torre, Anne-Sophie Gresle, María Jesús Pinazo
Accés (Castellano)
Subjectivities and the Space of Possibilities in Youth Programs: Countering Majoritarian Stories as Social Change in the Australian Context
Samuel P Keast, Christopher C Sonn
Micropolitics of movement: methodological contributions from critical qualitative research
M. Teresa Ropert Lackington, Laís Pinto de Carvalho, Isabel Pellicer Cardona
Accés (Castellano)
Some notes for a critical psychosocial analysis of participatory processes at the local level: social representations and empowerment
Tomeu Vidal, Moisés Carmona, Rubén D. Fernández Carrasco, Fernando Pindado
Accés (Castellano)
Ethical-political elements in research and intervention: reflections from social psychology
Pep Vivas-Elias, Óscar López-Catalán, Jorge Sánchez-Naudin, Carlos Cámara-Menoyo, Ana Paricio-Cárceles
Accés (Castellano)
Incivility or civility? modifications of the urban environment in the social manifestation
Héctor Rodrigo Berroeta Torres, Raúl Solano Molina, Arnau Huguet Gené, Dennys Alejandro Pérez Uribe, Francisca Viviana Vásquez Galleguillos
Accés (Castellano)
Political Subjectivation in Protest: a Psychopolitical Approach to the Catalan Crisis
Cristina Pradillo-Caimari, Andrés Di Masso Tarditti
Accés (Castellano)
Relationship between Natives and Latin American Migrants in a neighborhood of Barcelona from the view of community leaders and professionals of socio-community services: notes for the Psychological Acculturation
Claudia Saldivia Mansilla, Moisés Carmona Monferrer, Francisco Javier Serrano Blasco
Accés (Castellano)
Endorracism as a category of analysis for a critical anti-racism
Diana Izquierdo Mora, Esteve Espelt, Alejandro Perdomo Rubio, Andrés Di Masso
Accés (Castellano)
Narratives of displacement (or “a cartography of the intangible”)
Nikolas Olekszechen, Gustavo Martineli Massola
Accés (Castellano)
Gentrification and place dispossession: Subjective dynamics of symbolic displacement and micro-segregation
Andrés Di Masso Tarditti, Héctor Berroeta Torres, Cristina Pradillo Caimari, Laia Aleu Barnadas
Accés (Castellano)
From the truth to a possible interpretation
Josep García-Borés Espí
Accés (Castellano)