Endorracism as a category of analysis for a critical anti-racism

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Diana Izquierdo Mora
Esteve Espelt
Alejandro Perdomo Rubio
Andrés Di Masso



 Given the current expressions of racism, it is useful to consider that anti-racism requires a renewed theoretical and conceptual framework that critically reviews its foundations. Therefore, the implicit explanatory models of racism are exposed. Likewise, new coordinates of the problem are evident, recomposing the premises of old racism, new racism and race studies in Latin America. The aim is to advance conceptually towards the phenomenon of endoracism, placing it in the current theoretical debate and proposing it as a key concept to understand the reproduction of racism within subaltern groups, underlining the relevant analytical categories. 

antirracismo, endorracismo, racismo cultural, modelos implícitos

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How to Cite
Izquierdo Mora, Diana et al. “Endorracism as a category of analysis for a critical anti-racism”. Anuario de psicología / The UB Journal of psychology, vol.VOL 52, no. 1, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuarioPsicologia/article/view/401400.

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