Genealogy and family history of the Rusiñol saga in Manlleu. In search of an heir, against an omnipresent death
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One of the key stages in the life of Santiago Rusiñol, albeit examined with less precision than the rest of his life, is his adolescence. Much of what we know about it is based on what he himself told. From this period comes the well-known influence of his paternal grandfather, Jaume, who would later become the Senyor Esteve of L'Auca. His obsession in making his grandson the heir of the family business is assumed, by many of the art - ist's biographers, to be the root cause of the direction that Rusiñol took in the world of art. A detailed analysis of grandfather Jaume's personal circumstances, as well as the family' s genealogy in the context of his residing in Manlleu, provides a better understanding of the origin of the aforementioned obsession.
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(c) Anuari Verdaguer, 2021
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