Primera cita de cria de llambritja menuda Sternula albifrons per a les Balears, a Formentera
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Santi Costa
Gerardo Ferrero
[eng] First Little Tern Sternula albifrons breeding record for the
Balearics, in Formentera. The first confirmed reproduction of Little Tern
Sternula albifrons for the Balearics of the on the island of Formentera is
described. The first courtship behavior is observed during May 2020, followed
by eggs, incubation and three chicks hatched.
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How to Cite
Costa, Santi; and Ferrero, Gerardo. “Primera cita de cria de llambritja menuda Sternula albifrons per a les Balears, a Formentera”. Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears: revista d’observació estudi i conservació dels aucells, no. 34, pp. 86-89,