Del "Nosaltres" al "Jo" i de tornada: Aprenent encara de la New School
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Lester Embree
Carles, tr. Serra
After a sketch of the New School phenomenology led by Dorion Cairns, Aron
Gurwitsch, and Alfred Schutz in the 1950s and 60s, I follow Cairns and Schutz on
how phenomenological reflection begins from intersubjectivity and the first person
plural, moves by the egological reduction (or by another way) to individual subjectivity
and the first person singular, and moves, finally, from there back to intersubjectivity
and membership in social groups on the transcendental as well as worldly levels.
Gurwitsch, and Alfred Schutz in the 1950s and 60s, I follow Cairns and Schutz on
how phenomenological reflection begins from intersubjectivity and the first person
plural, moves by the egological reduction (or by another way) to individual subjectivity
and the first person singular, and moves, finally, from there back to intersubjectivity
and membership in social groups on the transcendental as well as worldly levels.
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How to Cite
Embree, Lester; and Serra, Carles, tr. “Del "Nosaltres" al ‘Jo’ i de tornada: Aprenent encara de la New School”. Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia, no. 22, pp. 53-62,
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