Tschirnhaus’ critique of the Cartesian identity of consciousness and thought

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Pablo Montosa Molinero
Guillem Sales Vilalta
The purpose of this essay is to examine E. W. Tschirnhaus’ critique to Descartes as formulated in the work Medicina Mentis (1687). To do so, we will focus on the objection addressed to Descartes; then, we will give some relevant tenets concerning the intellectual context so as to grasp afterwards Tschirnhaus’ solution to the cartesian problem; finally, we will consider the influence that Tschirnhaus’ logic had on C. Wolff, a widely acclaimed philosopher within Enlightened Europe.Keywords: E. W. von Tschirnhaus, R. Descartes, ars inveniendi, conscience, conceivable.

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How to Cite
Montosa Molinero, Pablo; and Sales Vilalta, Guillem. “Tschirnhaus’ critique of the Cartesian identity of consciousness and thought”. Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia, no. 30-31, pp. 93-102, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariFilosofia/article/view/384259.