El canvi econòmic: experiències d'un economista al Congrés de Diputats

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Francesc Homs i Ferret
The economic spokesman of the Catalan deputies to the Spanish Parliament describes in detail
the economic policies undertaken with their crucial help by the minority governments of the
socialists first and then of the conservatives between 1993 and 1999. The liberalisation measures, budget stabilisation, a business friendly environment and reform of the Welfare State have created a New Economy in Spain, symbolised by Spain today being a frontrunner in the euro. The success story contrasts sharply with the critical situation in the political and economic crisis of 1993 and shows the beneficial influence of Catalonia, not just the politicians but all its open society which historically seldom has had this opportunity to change the fundamentals of Spain.

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Com citar
Homs i Ferret, Francesc. “El canvi econòmic: experiències d’un economista al Congrés de Diputats”. Anuari de la Societat Catalana d’Economia, no. 16, pp. 51-62, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariEconomia/article/view/219876.

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