Homenatge a Josep Marull Gou

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Josep Jané i Solà
Fabià Estapé i Rodríguez
Enric Masó
Joan Clos i Matheu
Antoni Serra i Ramoneda
Meeting in remembrance of a founder of the Catalan Economics Society whose work in the public sector revolutionised the traditional bureaucratic approach of supply side management to modern demand based objectives, where public institutions operate with the same principles of accounting as any large private firm. His companions, teachers and the mayor of Barcelona pay homage to the former manager of Barcelona Town Hall.

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Com citar
Jané i Solà, Josep et al. “Homenatge a Josep Marull Gou”. Anuari de la Societat Catalana d’Economia, no. 16, pp. 114-27, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariEconomia/article/view/219881.