Estudis epidemiològics a la Comunitat Valenciana: el projecte ESCARVAL (2008-2019)
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Domingo Orozco
Vicente Pallarés
Vicente Gil Guillén
This article describes the motivation for the Valencian Cardiometabolic Study (ESCARVALRISK), based on the following premises: the fact that cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of illness and death in Spain and in the Valencian Community, the high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in Spain, the absence of data-based risk assessment scales to identify the population that could most benefit from treatment, and the importance that the implementation of electronic medical records has had for the population of the Valencian Community, both for research and for the improvement of clinical practice. Furthermore, the hypothesis and the objective of the ESCARVAL-RISK study are formulated and a summary of the current state of the project is presented. The project includes improvements to lifelong training for primary-care teams dealing with cardiovascular problems, improvements to clinical practice regarding the monitoring of cardiovascular medical records, as well as cross-sectional and long-term research, not only to identify clinical indicators, but also to create scales based on the project’s own data.
risk factor, cardiovascular disease, electronic health record, cardiovascular risk scale
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How to Cite
Orozco, Domingo et al. “Estudis epidemiològics a la Comunitat Valenciana: el projecte ESCARVAL (2008-2019)”. Anuari de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura: revista de recerca humanística i científica, no. 27, pp. 67-75,
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