Líban: dones i nació
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Carmen Boustani
The nation-state system in Lebanon is based on the male monopoly of allocating specific roles in the public and private sphere to the two sexes. Since the country’s civil war between 1975 and 1990, attempts have been made to gradually demythologise these differences by introducing the concept of gender into institutions and education. However, this success is not yet complete because it is difficult to entirely counter such deep-rooted prejudices in a religiously mixed country.
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Boustani, Carmen. “Líban: dones i nació”. Anuari de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura: revista de recerca humanística i científica, no. 21, pp. 11-21, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariABC/article/view/245321.