La delinqüència juvenil a la província de Castelló
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Jacinto Pallarés
Jesús Rosel
Juvenile delinquency is o regular discussion topic in daily gatherings today and it is studied in specialised fora. The authors summarize the different theories explaining this phenomenon and review recent literature about this topic, distinguishing between juvenile delinquency and juvenile offenders, as defined by our legal system. Drawing on the results of a study on the variables influencing juvenile reoffenders in the province of Castellón, the authors conclude that the social alarm spawned by the media is not justified and they present different proposals to intervene and deol with the problems of this group.
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How to Cite
Pallarés, Jacinto; and Rosel, Jesús. “La delinqüència juvenil a la província de Castelló”. Anuari de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura: revista de recerca humanística i científica, no. 22, pp. 85-94,
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