Les incerteses de l'agricultura del País Valencià en el segle XXI

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Javier Soriano
The agriculture of the País Valencià has changed radically in the three last centuries. Although this activity still conserves part of his economic potentiality, the decrease of the cultivated land and the number of agriculturists demonstrate the present crisis. The future is uncertain, but some notes allow to maintain our optimism because this sector always has been characterized by its capacity of adaptation.

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How to Cite
Soriano, Javier. “Les incerteses de l’agricultura del País Valencià en el segle XXI”. Anuari de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura: revista de recerca humanística i científica, no. 18, pp. 53-66, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariABC/article/view/140741.