Historical notes about the Roma and music in Figueres and Alt Empordà

Main Article Content

Pau Subirós Bardera

This article was first conceived during the 3rd Congress of the Catalan Cross-border Space, dedicated to traditional music, where the absence of the city of Figueres in studies about rumba and flamenco in Catalonia is detected. It is intended to develop a thread to place several local Roma artists into a chronology of popular music, through styles and venues, in order to serve new research in this area.

Roma, Musicians, Flamenco, Catalan rumba, Figueres, Cafès cantants

Article Details

How to Cite
Subirós Bardera, Pau. “Historical notes about the Roma and music in Figueres and Alt Empordà”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 53, pp. 193-05, doi:10.34810/20.8010.01.310.
Author Biography

Pau Subirós Bardera

Llicenciat en Humanitats (UPF)