Two nineteenth-century political catechisms from Figueres (Catalonia)

Main Article Content

Pere Gibert Geli

After a contextualizing global overview of political catechisms from the nineteenth century, two texts written by two authors from Figueres and published in this city are presented: one by Martí Carlé (1868) and the other by Josep Batlle i Mundí (1869). The biographies of these authors are sketched and their texts are analysed, detailing those aspects that seem most relevant.


Political catechisms, Martí Carlé, Batlle i Mundi, Figueres, Republicanism, Nineteenth century

Article Details

How to Cite
Gibert Geli, Pere. “Two nineteenth-century political catechisms from Figueres (Catalonia)”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 53, pp. 103-22, doi:10.34810/20.8010.01.305.
Author Biography

Pere Gibert Geli

Mestre jubilat. Llicenciat en Filosofia i Lletres. Grau en Ciència Política i de l’Administració. Màster en Recerca en Humanitats.