Who believed in Narcís Monturiol's first Ictineu?

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Erika Serna Coba

Small contribution to the biography of Narcís Monturiol within the year of the commemoration of the bicentenary of his birth, focused on two basic points: the transcription of notarial powers from 1859 which constituted the board that would run a society with the sole purpose of constructing an underwater coral fishing device; and a review of the diverse backgrounds of the ‘shareholders’ of a company which had to raise the money needed to start the invention.


Narcís Monturiol, Ictineu submarine, Republican artisans, Submarine navigation

Article Details

How to Cite
Serna Coba, Erika. “Who believed in Narcís Monturiol’s first Ictineu?”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 51, pp. 345-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnnalsEmpordanesos/article/view/378186.
Author Biography

Erika Serna Coba, Arxiu Comarcal de l’Alt Empordà
